Tuesday 10 February 2015

must be very careful when traveling to these countries - a dangerous countries

1 Ciudad Juarez (Mexico)

This is the city of the fastest growing, although it called the most violent region in the world is that crime increases in faster than growth in 2008 and signed the 1400 crime while in 2010 it signed a 2500 crime committed by mafia drug Therefore, life in this city is paralyzed from fear People are afraid of being exposed to or fear of stray bullets fired by gangs have died during the past ten years in this city, 400 women as a result of sexual violence, which took place on them.

2 Bogota (Colombia)

Improvement in the security situation in Colombia in the past few years significantly, but the drug mafia attacks still haunt the rural population and the population of the capital, Bogota, and there are continuous occurrence of explosions like the one signed in August from the year before in front of the Colombian radio station Caracol Radio and injuring four people, threats
The Colombian authorities last October that it had foiled a bomb attack in Bogota was the target administrative center as some criminal organizations kidnap civilians still demanding ransoms over against them by the government.

3 St. Louis (United States)

According to the latest study of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the city of St. Louis, located in the state of Missouri is the most dangerous in America in terms of acts of murder, rape, theft and robbery the city has exceeded even some famous cities so like Kadin, Detroit, New Orleans, which was always present at the top of your peace cities that are frequently where violence
is located in the city of St. Louis in 2070 penal backlash for every 100 thousand inhabitants while the average rate of 459.4 is a penal act.

4 Port-au-Prince (Haiti)

Still this city, which is the largest and key in Haiti center of violent clashes and demonstrated despite government changes that took place in 2004 in this city, there is no police force that monitors violence and controlled by criminals on almost all of the state and even the auxiliary forces provided by the United Nations does not guarantee visitors For the residents of safety as that Haiti addition one of the countries that are being including drug smuggling to the United States the kidnappings, killings and death threats and armed robberies and bloody confrontations between drug groups are repeated on a daily basis in the capital, Port-au-Prince and the country still remember the devastating earthquake that hit .

5 Mogadishu (Somalia)

Political and security situation in Somalia in general instability characterized by long ago.
and where there is nominally non-central government that they are not able to supervise even the capital Mogadishu therefore advised not to travel to Somalia, acts of murder, kidnapping and bloody incidents are repeated every day in Mogadishu, as in other areas of the Somalia The biggest threat to him Viard citizens of the United States The other problem prevailing in Somalia are armed conflicts that can not be predicted between rival militias also not recommended to travel by sea near the coast of Somalia because of the recurrence of armed piracy operations that are out of Somalia.

6 Caracas (Venezuela)

Represent Nhacean in one of Caracas yards

Caracas introduced to the list of the most dangerous ten cities in the world two years ago, the percentage of crime are high largely occur in the streets killings and attacks with weapons almost daily, also spoke a lot of times operations "fast kidnapping" where the kidnapping of foreign tourists, then released after paying money required the police are regarded as a major problem being involved in the kidnapping business.
This is in the context of the fight against drug trafficking campaign hole each bag during inspection at the international airport by the National Guard rod steel which leads to damage to the assets of the bag as well as you can not forget about pickpockets and thieves Hotels and various scammers in the streets.

7 Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea)

If you would like to travel to this city is compelling you have to take into account the possibility Tardkm to attack or rape because prevail elevated state of crime where and Criminals kidnap tourists in cars and attacking their cars with stones and located a large part of the city under the supervision known as Raskols street mafia and tourists are advised to be in places where the guard such as visiting graves or beaches or golf courses there are no as that public transport is a serious but more modes of transport dangerous they are vehicles that are leased and the city are located in the earthquake zone and therefore could be exposed to the earthquake or tsunami or soil collapse.

8 Grozny, Chechnya (Russian Federation)

Described by the United Nations Grozny in 2003 as (the most destructive on the globe the city) has seen since the beginning of the nineties wars where Djallagha turn out to wreck the percentage of killings and rape in which they are high and represent abductions one of the main security problems are since the rebuilding of the city period, however, Many of the buildings are still without electricity and water has a lot of Chechens fled to Dagestan and Azerbaijan because the country is not safe 

Santo Domingo (Dominican)

If you decide to go this year to the Dominican Republic prefers to let the valuables in your country and your homes because the number of foreigners who are exposed to theft and burglary in growing as thefts growing auto occur and happen in this country, strikes and demonstrations frequently.
In spite of the protests do not usually take place in tourist areas Protests shall not be directed against foreigners, but it is necessary to be cautious while traveling to this island.

10 Muzaffarabad (Pakistan)

Is the capital of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan paradise on earth where boasts beautiful lakes and rivers, beautiful gardens and Kashmir is divided between the three countries, namely India, Pakistan, China, and there are differences between them on the territory In addition, these countries all have nuclear weapons and speaking in Pakistan protests and frequently the problem Here are the biggest drug trafficking, extortion and political violence, terrorism and murder.

Cathedral in Santo Domingo

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