Thursday 12 February 2015

trip to the country's bright sun ... Japan

Photos and information on Japan

Japan is located in the far-east Asia, and consists of a large number of islands is estimated at about three thousand island. Japan limits of the East and the North Pacific,
It is bounded on the west of the Sea of ​​Japan, and the south China Sea.
Japan is located in a volcanic area, which is known as the "Pacific Ring fireworks" part. Devastating earthquakes, which often manifests itself in the waves of the "tsunami" of marine, occur several times each century. Present the country's many hot springs, has established tourist resorts around.
Means Japan written in Japanese, "the sun" and the Chinese have called the country this name because it is located far east. And has a total area of ​​Japan 000 378 km, and Japan is made up of a group of islands and is the largest of the four islands and the most important.
Japan is an archipelago any group converged Islands, runs along the eastern coast of the Pacific Ocean in Asia. Main islands (also known Kjzr Motherland), spread from north to south, namely: "Hokkaido", "Honshu" (mainland), "Shikoku", "Kyushu" and "Okinawa" in the "Ryukyu" archipelago, which lies 600 km to the southwest of the "Kyushu." In addition, about 3,000 small islands, which can be counted among the archipelago, which offers a home along what is known as the "Great Japan".
Occupies the State of Japan ranked tenth in terms of population in the world, with an estimated population of about 180 million people, Koreans (about 1 million), the population of Okinawa (1.5 million), the Chinese and Taiwanese (0.5 million), Filebenaon (0.5 million), Brazilian ( 250,000), along with parents (indigenous people).
Japan Altagafa characterized by its diversity and artistic and because of the social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors that influenced over the centuries on the evolution of Japanese art.
Here Featured Photos of the country of Japan: - Group
Charming places, places and beautiful country in 2013

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