Monday 9 February 2015

of the most impressive around the world metro stations 24

Asad Allah afternoon, with all the good members and visitors to the tired heart

24 of the most impressive around the world metro stations

Most metro stations are not the most beautiful places in the world. However, these examples of extraordinary subway stations from all over the world shake this stereotype. 
These metro stations of Naples, Moscow, Stockholm, and other cities make you want to travel the world to see them on the ground.

Toledo Metro Station, Naples, Italy 

Kievskaya metro station, Moscow, Russia

Miakowskaya Metro Station, Moscow, Russia

Park Pobedy (Victory Park) metro station, Moscow, Russia

Solna, Stockholm, Sweden station

Avtovo Metro Station, St. Petersburg, Russia 

Arts and Trades station, Paris, France

Bund Sightseeing Tunnel landmarks, Shanghai, China

In the works Gellert Square decorated, Budapest, Hungary

University of Naples Metro Station, Italy

Formosa Boulevard, Kaohsiung, Taiwan plant

Kungstradgarden Metro station, Stockholm, Sweden

City Hall, the New York station (not in use)

Station, Stockholm, Sweden

Stadion station, Stockholm, Sweden

Olaias station, Lisbon, Portugal

Slavyansky Boulevard station, Moscow, Russia

Ring George station U- that, Munich, Germany

Maria Square station U- that, Munich, Germany

Candidplatz U- that, Munich, Germany station 

"Water Lily station" Stockholm - N & auml; ckrosen 

Malostranska station of in Prague 

PLAC Wilsona, Warsaw, Poland Metro Station 

Zoloti Vorota station's, Kiev, Ukraine

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