Tuesday 10 February 2015

photos: 7 ways to travel around the world for free

Generates a lot of human beings loved to travel and trips, and the discovery of countries and continents and different areas here and there, and some prefer to travel to another country and live in the intensity of his love for his country, but the spirit of adventure and experience the strongest in his heart and the most enjoyable in Itself.  

not one of us deny the historical moment That awaits millions of Arab youth travel outside hwy country after the turbulent conditions That hit the whole Arab Countries years close Since, in search of Livelihood and a request for the Stability and the interests of security and personal safety for Themselves and hwy families.  

So site "Learni" presented a set of tips and suggestions That will Allow travel to the Countries of the world Bamajan..lentaraf them:  

work in organic farms WWOOF organization Allows for Those who want to volunteer work, traveling to many Countries around the world to work voluntarily in one of the farms and fields in exchange for travel, accommodation and Exchange meals free of charge. Volunteerism Among international peace Organizations  are Involved in Humanitarian service around the world and Otaatih travel for international Organizations and volunteers carry all hwy hwy stay and food in exchange for a number of human services to the Needy, color: such as medical care and treatment, education and intensive language training.  sitter home are important troublesome but also ensure you travel to a country and discover where and ensuring travel, food and accommodation free of charge, the requirement to provide some of the various household chores such as watering planting, plants, and come up with dog for a walk, and the like.  swap your home for a period  Which is the same idea presented by the American actress Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet Seductress beautiful in the movie "The Holiday", after the Announcement posted on the Internet for Those who wish to swap the home and car in the holiday period.  driver «Draever Wi»  a popular service That Allows travel around the world at the lowest cost by traveling by car to any country and Exchanged for a car someone else Carrying fuel condition Throughout the travel.  English teacher  if you are from these professionals of the English language and familiar with its rules, then you are in front of a chance of easy Grasped a volunteer to work in a number schools as a teacher of English in exchange for money.  Work tourist guide or host Joey  yes you have the possibility to travel for free if you are a working profession "guided tour" to the tourism or "Joey host" in the various airline companies, and thus ensure nomadic more visit from countries around the world.

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