Thursday 12 February 2015

tour to the Comoros

Comoros is of African countries is characterized by a good tourist resources, they add to the tropical distinctive climate, boasts cultural stocks attracted to a lot of European tourists each year. 
The visitor of the Republic of the Comoros finds himself in front of a multi-tourism options, nature and picturesque beaches clean and Cultural Heritage all represent diverse tourist unique Say what there is in any country. Tourism activities of tourism fishing adventures vary to eco-tourism and tourism relax on sandy beaches. The Republic of Comoros Arab country Islamic African small consists of several islands in the Indian Ocean sandwiched between the territory of the continent of Africa to the west and crusty island of Madagascar in the east, which it is located at the northern entrance of the Strait of Mozambique between latitudes 11 degrees 13 degrees south of the equator. The set consists Comoros four volcanic islands large and key are Grande Comore, also known as escaped Zenja and on the southwest coast is the capital of the state Maroney Island Oanjuan and the island of Mayotte and the island of Moheli as conjugated Islands other small space. The total area of the Republic of the Comoros in 2236 square kilometers with a population of more than 650 thousand people up Muslims including the percentage to 99.7% and the official language of the state is in Arabic, French and most important cities in the Republic of the Comoros: Maroney, a capital in addition to the city of Mutsamudu and Dmona . With represent (Njazadja largest archipelago called) (Moon Archipelago), the (Moroni) is the pearl of the Comoros and the capital of the federal state, which consists of four islands are (Zenja Adja) and (Nzoana) and (pro) and (Mahorih), and the language Suahlah is the language of the country live came these names. In the early eighth century, landed on the coast of the islands some Arab travelers returning assets to Aden, Muscat, Hadramout, and because the moon was a full moon on the discovery of these islands, has named it the moon, and took the Europeans name later, they shot them Name (Comore or Comoros). If the moon archipelago has a net worth of fish can not, comes Westerners him to catch fish, the city (Drmona) on the east coast, start another tale, excel Storha hills that go up from the narrow milieu, to enter the man in the middle dense forests of trees, pink form is said that the tree it does not reach the age of maturity, but after twenty years as give flowers take France to make them the most valuable types of perfumes, this is not strange that some people called the Comoros waters title (Archipelago perfume). Historically, rounded the population payments First to the Comoros mainly from the African continent and the island of Madagascar, as well as from Malaysia in connection Arabs back the Comoros to the seventh century, and the rule of sultans Arabs Comoros and formed them independent kingdoms, and has been the case nearly 400 years, and in 1843 managed to France from the rule of the islands , then the French population Comoros granted autonomy in 1961. In 1975, the voice of the people of Anjouan and the islands of Grande Comore in addition to Mhilla Island on full independence population, but Mayotte voted to remain under French protection and acknowledged France the independence of the three Comoros but continued to rule Mayotte as one of the special accessories. And the independence of the islands came into being the state on behalf of the Republic of the Comoros Islamic Federal Islands and its capital Maroney has joined the United Nations immediately after independence. In economic terms Comoros is of poor countries. It is not to have the key industries and the economy depends mainly on agriculture, where the people to plant a variety of crops such as rice and bananas, manioc / cassava / in addition to coconut and vanilla essential oils extracted from Alyanj Lang trees plants.And spend Comoros weak export earnings in the import commodity operations and is the most important countries that are trading with them in France and Madagascar / Malajas / and Pakistan in addition to the United States. The spread of Islam in the Comoros as a result of the influx of trade caravans in the golden age of Islam, and captured its inhabitants morality and Islamic teachings of tolerance. It can be accessed "Hahaya" Airport in the capital, "Moroni" by Kenya Airways or Yemen, or by Madagascar, or you can travel to by some flights from Dubai to Moroni, and you can go to a hotel via taxi or limousine to a hotel there, and does not require entry visa, where you can get them at the airport paid Mali.

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